Final Years Fact Sheet

Stories of Parent Care, Loss and Lives Changed

Family &Relationships/Bereavement/Self-Help
 Trade Paperback
 Publication Date: Dec-2013
Price: $12.95
Size: 6 x 9
Publisher: Create Space Independent Publishing
Author: Dawn Kairns
ISBN: 978-1493698127
312 Pages
Available to bookstores, retailers, and libraries, through Ingram, Baker &    Taylor and CreateSpace Direct


Helping parents’ transition through aging, decline and death changes many adult childrens’ lives forever. It shakes their very foundation. Caregivers often feel alone and don’t know where to turn for support. Many tears are cried as difficult choices are made. In this book ten people share their journeys of tough roads of decision-making, family dynamics, grief, and healing. The author weaves her own account through each of their chapters. These stories in the caregivers’ voice will help readers feel they are not alone but part of a “hidden tribe” who share a common bond. Readers will find guidance for navigating through their parents’ final years as they find themselves in these stories. This book is for anyone who is caring for or has lost a parent. Readers grappling with sibling conflict during this difficult time will find kindred spirits here. It is also for those with unresolved guilt or regret around their parent’s death. Parent elders who wish to look through the eyes of children as adult caregivers will also gain a unique perspective.